Speed Driver 5DX racing game machine details :


Size (W) 270CM (D) 217.7CM (H) 218.8CM (size of a set of two);

Power: 2000W.

Four wheels carry the body, and two wheels carry the soul.

This widely circulated word in the motorcycle circle not only makes many people outside the circle have a deep yearning for motorcycles,

but also makes people in the motorcycle circle even more proud.

For people in the motorcycle circle, as a knight, of course, a motorcycle tour is indispensable.

There are many ways to travel in this world, but the most free, free, and most natural way is the motorcycle travel.

A long-distance expert in the Lanzhou motorcycle circle in Gansu said such a sentence, which is deeply memorable.

He said that motorcycle travel is poison, and the antidote is on the way.

Speed Driver 5DX

Why select Speed Driver 5DX on arcade  game room ?

1. Speed Driver 5DX has exquisite 3D images, showing the majestic momentum of each scene.
2. When the game is running the speed and nitrogen gas, it will be matched with the frame lights to have various lighting changes, and the speed will be matched with the fan in front of the machine to simulate the wind resistance effect when driving a motorcycle.
3. The game combines the nitrogen acceleration function with vehicle deformation, showing perfect and rich visual changes. The four tracks in the game reproduce the characteristics of well-known scenes in Beijing, Shanghai, Thailand, and Indonesia, which can be selected in the opposite direction.
4. The special track in the track allows players to show a variety of motorcycle stunts, and there are more gorgeous fireworks special effects as a foil.
5. At the same time, the game provides game modes such as single-player, multi-player, and single-player midway challenger joining, which can allow each player to experience high-quality experience and extremely fast and exciting leisure and entertainment games.
6. In addition, the biggest feature of this machine is that it has a sensitive dynamic function. The motorcycle swings synchronously according to the scene in the game scene, which is super exciting to experience.

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